Hypercube Evolution (HEVO) E3D Hermes/Hemera with and without 24 Pin ATX connector
**************************************************************************************************** ATTENTION! THIS DESIGN WORKS ONLY WITH 4010 FANs LIKE THE ORIGINAL! I know that the original FAN is very noisy. If you want to install an 4020, wait for my V2 Design. If you install an 4020 to this design, it bumps into the left printer construction! This V1 design is optimized to have maximum print space with the 4010 fans. **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** Hello. This is a E3D Hermera/Hermes mount for the HEVO. Its my first upload on Thingiverse. Hopefully you like it. Maybe i will make a video for Youtube to show you how to install the 24 Pin Atx connector. You can use it with zip stripes, too. My x axis detector is mounted to the left. Feel free to use my fusion360 file to enhance the build. In the future i will add a BL-Touch mount and a fan duct from behind. The 24 Pin Atx connector has enough pins for LED and BL touch. If you decide to use an 24 pin atx connector, please connect 2 pins parallel for the heater cartridge to reduce the current on the pins. I take no responsebilities to burning printers or any damage. Use my design at your own risk. Have some phun, DOMin8or P.s. You saved time with my creation? Feel free to donate me a beer :-) https://www.paypal.me/hartgeldstricher Affiliate links to my used parts: 24 pin female connector with pcb: https://amzn.to/2FO2lJS (desolder the not used connector!) 24 pin male connector: https://amzn.to/30fjNAn optional more crimp pins: https://amzn.to/381JbvX optional crimp pin removal tools: https://amzn.to/2slRcNf optional AWG 22 Cable set 0,32mm2: https://amzn.to/2TrgFQB optional AWG 18 Cable set for the heat block: https://amzn.to/2Rj5GWt i think do you know that you have to insert one thread. i am using ruthex m3 thread: https://amzn.to/384cEFK