DF Velomobile Hood Bungee Hold Down System

DF Velomobile Hood Bungee Hold Down System


This project contains the .stl files required to print both sides of a "squish" mold and the bungee hooks required to build the DF velomobile race hood hold downs as depicted in the photo. This system is similar to the factory IntercityBike DF velomobile system. It is generic enough that it could be used elsewhere. The mold is used to make the carbon fiber strips used as anchors for the 4mm bungee. - I recommend printing them in PETG. They need to be strong. Print the mold halves as depicted with the hollow sides down. Print the hooks as depicted on their sides. To make the carbon fiber strips from the mold: - coat both mold halves with Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) mold release. - After that dries, lay 1 or 2 layers of carbon fiber cloth on one side of the mold. - saturate the carbon fiber cloth with epoxy resin - lay the other side of the mold on top of the saturated carbon fiber - clamp the mold halves together until the carbon fiber cures. - gently pry the mold halves apart. - cut out the strips from the carbon fiber piece. Note the shapes of the strips are etched in the mold surface for guidance. - Attach them to the hood by first roughing up the attachment surfaces with rough sand paper. Use a strong epoxy adhesive. - Use 4mm bungee to complete the hook system Update: I've uploaded new heavier duty versions of the mold halves to reduce chance of cracking. They are holddownMold-m-5mm.stl and holddownMold-f-5mm.stl



