Magnetic Phone Charger Base
Edit: 14/01/2020 Added a wire holder that fastens to the back and allows you to wrap any of the extra wire into it so you don't have long lengths hanging around. It fastens using a small M3 machine screw. I made the hole in the wire part a little tight so it will thread nicely. It may require you to slightly widen the opening to get the bolt started. I bought my wife a wireless phone charger for her cell phone but she can't use it because she has her phone in a case that magnetically attaches to her wallet. She wanted the wireless charger but was not willing to give up her magnetic wallet case. I decided that I could print a stand that could hold a magnetic charging clip. She could then just place her phone on the stand and the magnetic clip would attach to the charging port. This model fits a 90 degree magnetic charger I found on but I expect that most of these have the same size end. I chose the 90 degree connector as it allows the wire to come out the side and fits close to the base. I was going to print a clip to fasten the charger end in place, but it seems to be holding quite well on its own. The charger end can be positioned from either end but if it is inserted from the right, the small LED will not be visible on the charger cable that I got. I also have a piece planned for the back that will allow me to wrap excess wire, to keep it out of the way. Not as good as a wireless charger but it does work.