Hemera adapter for TEVO Black Widow
The part was printed with 6 lines and 40% infill with a .4mm nozzle. It is probably way overkill, so you can likely get away with less. Supports were used to ensure the quality inside the holes; depth is "critical" since the screws cannot protrude from the plate on any side. Printed with the hexagonal holes down. The Hemera was mounted using the screws and nuts included. These are made for a 5mm mounting plate, so that is the thickness of the mount (recessed screws). For mounting the adapter to the carriage I used M5 locking nuts and 12mm M5 Allen head bolts. I chose Allen heads because they sit on the key well when inserting from the back, but you can use any type screw you like as long as it doesn't protrude from the plate after mounting, at least not the two on the side where the Hemera is mounted The adapter has a cutout for the screws holding the belt mount for the X carriage. These screws can have two positions; if you go from the stock setup and move them one step to the left you can gain as much as an inch more in the X direction, as the Hemera does not protrude to the right like the stock extruder does. I recommend doing this; you simply unscrew them, move the mount slightly to the left and reattach the screw. The adapter will work with these screws in either position. You will probably have to move the endstops for Z and X axes. Just loosen the biggest screw a little and adjust them to where they need to be. You must change the firmware to use thermistor type 5 (it uses type 11 by default/stock). I recommend upgrading Marlin while you're at it. The Hemera extruder also needs to have the extruder reversed either in firmware or by moving the cable pins around. I did it in firmware, as I upgraded to Marlin 2.0.1 while I was at it. I used these references for changes in firmware, instructions for mounting, etc: https://e3d-online.dozuki.com/c/Hemera_Assembly_Guides Bonus: The Hemera setup is about 300g lighter than the stock setup, and you can gain up to an inch more travel in X and Z directions. The fan duct I used (as seen in the picture) is https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4042492 by Hangtight