Anet A8 Plus Y axis rod holders
Have you been searching things in google like... "I can't level my hotbed" "problem leveling my hotbed" "Impossible to level my hotbed correctly" and so on?¿? Have you lost part of your hair trying to troubleshoot this problem?¿? Aháaaa hope this helps ;) To examine and download the files, please go to [this publication]( This is basically a copy of the original Y axis rod holders that came with my new Anet A8 Plus 3D printer. If I had to do a review of this new 3d printer I could say a million good things about it but also about the price. I payed 160€ for it and for that price I consider it a beast! But there was a very bad thing about the Anet A8 Plus I recieved. There was no way to level the bed correctly. Everything I did using logic was turning my results in the wrong way and my head was near to explode, as I consider myself a very logical mind. So if you reached that point I hope this is the solution to your problem same it was for me... The 3d printed parts I recieved which came with the printer are really really different between them in everything, the height, the weight, the finish... So that was causing a missalignement of my Y rods, between them but also between them and the table the printer is over. So... can you print the same thing 4 times with more or less equal results?¿? My old Anet A8, with "coldbed" could. I hope yours too. Anyway you could print these parts also in your unleveled A8 Plus if you can print them always the same. Remember one of them is the one which holds the Y Endstop so print one of those. I will make my dear Anet friend know about this so hopefully they put a little more attention in the parts they print for the 3d printers they sell... :S