AA / AAA / C / 18650 battery holder with integrated spring

AA / AAA / C / 18650 battery holder with integrated spring


Added additional versions; now includes battery holders for AA, AAA, C and 18650 cells (all printed and tested but the 18650 up to now) -------------------------- There is a perfect design out there like this for 18650 - couldn't find this for AA batteries. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2847497 Designed from scratch, tolerances and sliding mechanism set up to worj of the printer without cleaning or breaking free. Just add a wire on each side and you're ready to go. Prints without support, users 6g of material. Also in the files an adapter from AAA to AA cells. There are plenty of this on thingiverse, just didn't want to try all them and made another one... In the pictures, there is a joule thief connected; makes up for a nice little night light, use up flat batteries until they are really empty.






