v53 v56 Board LCD Case Raspberry Pi 4 All in One
How to reuse your old laptop and its LCD screen. It is very simple with this design. I decided to prepare a universal case for the old LCD display. I was based on the v53 TV LCD control board, which can be bought on Aliexpress. I have LCD - LTN156AT05-H01 1366*768 40-pin WLED 15.6" https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33028981980.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dDdJ052 The main idea was to divide the whole housing so that it could be screwed together. At the same time, for easy printing, no part needs to be supported. I also wanted to connect the TV and housing for the Raspberry Pi 4 in one box. UPDATE 03.2020 I have added a Source File - V56LCD.rsdoc