DVM850BL Kickstand

DVM850BL Kickstand


This stand is to replace the one missing from my second least favorite meter. Mine actually has a name on it. My meter is called the Velleman DVM850BL. I think I paid $10 or $15 for it, 10 or 15 years ago... For some time, these meters would pop up on Ebay with half a dozen different names. Now companies are too ashamed to put their name on this meter, so it will simply have a model number, DT850 DT830 DVM850 XL830 and so on. I picked mine up at Microcenter en-route to a facility where I'd be needing a volt meter. It was just easier to pick one up there then to head back to the facility where my real meter was stored. The meter is about the same quality, and I believe has identical features and ranges as the freeibie you can pick up at Harbor freight, except... Ooh... This one has a backlight.... :) When I got to my destination and opened it, I found the stand for this meter was broken diagonally in half. It certainly wasn't going to be worthwhile to return it, and I hate throwing something out that could be minimally useful to me some day. I made a stand for it, so maybe it will be easier to give away to somebody who can make better use of it than me. Make sure you look at the photo's before printing the model. There are other cheap meters out there with the same and similar naming conventions. If your meter doesn't look like the one in the photographs, this stand won't work. The stand itself doesn't attach to the meter directly, it squishes into the rubber case that holds the meter together when the plastic tangs snap apart the first or second time you open it to replace batteries. In any case, I made it, so here it is. Hopefully somebody may find it useful. CHANGE: 01262020 I decided to re-use this model to make a stand for the free Harbor Freight Centech multimeter. While I was working on the mounting apparatus for that meter, I strengthened this kickstand by adding additional material, as well as a single rib down the center. I put the updated stand on my Velleman meter, so I decided to update the one I left here. The new stand feels less flimsy than the old one.






