Wii Power Plug to Barrel Connector
So the Wii runs off a 12v power supply. Great! I've got a ton of 12v power supplies lying around! Unfortunately, the plug isn't your standard run-of-the-mill barrel connector. Let's print our own! Print out these two parts (they're small, should be super quick -- but you can skip the housing if you really don't care about it looking pretty), and connect it to a 12v barrel connector power supply with the following: * Barrel Connector Socket -- $8 for 10qty -- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GPQZ4EE/ * D-Sub Female Crimp Pins -- $12 for 200qty -- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EDG0KI4/ The crimp pins are the perfect size, and crimp onto the wire ends, just like any dupont or jst connector. I'm personally a /huge/ fan of my Engineer PA-21 crimpers, but anything that can crimp ends onto wire should do. Once they're on, feed them through the back of the plug, the crimp pins should be fully inside the 3d print. Then a dot of hot glue or uv-cure resin on the backside to hold them in place, and slide the chassis back down the wire to cover the end, and you're good! Remember: the GROUND (black) wire goes on the side of the plug with the cut corner. Don't cross the streams!!!