Hosytian Guardsman, Autocannon Team 2
Another from the Hosytian Guard series. They are an Imperial Guard regiment from Hosyt, a feudal world. Drafted in haste into the Guard, they are still equipped with their own steel breastplates and helmets, given weapons and pointed towards the front lines. This team was issued an autocannon, a powerful self-loading gun that fires arm-sized shells. This one is manned by two larger Hosytians, able to support the massive weight of this powerful gun. They didn't take the time to camouflage their position properly, so they are taking incoming fire. *note:* The light effects on the front of the drum are not included on the stl file, they are only meant to give an idea on how to paint and add bits before basing. I'm planning on using a bunch of little bits from rat-nests and using a soldering iron to melt them into where there would be impacts.