Angle Socket Wrench Stand - customisable

Angle Socket Wrench Stand - customisable


# Angle Socket Wrench Stand OpenSCAD library to build Tubular Angle Socket (TAS) Wrench Stand I've rendered and added ready to print STL files for standard wrench set: * Stand for 10 wrenches (2 parts/groups): [ 8,10,11,12,13,14 ] [ 16,17,18,19 ] * Stand for 14 wrenches (3 parts/groups): [ 8,9,10,11,12,13 ] [ 14,15,16,17 ] [ 18,19,20,21 ] * Stand for 16 (3 parts/groups): [ 8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ] [ 15,16,17,18,19 ] [ 21,22,23,24 ] # Howto Install this (Only Basic part): [agentscad]( Open file agenscad/things/tas-wrench-stand.scad Search for this code: ``` taswStand ( wrenches = 10_WRENCHES, groups = 10_WRENCHES_GROUPS, group_num = undef, numbers_only = false, $fn = FAST ); ``` You just need to change definition of wrenches and groups to customize: ``` taswStand ( ... wrenches = My_WRENCHES, groups = My_WRENCHES_GROUPS, ... ); My_WRENCHES = [ 7,8,9,10,11 ]; My_WRENCHES_GROUPS = [ 2,2,1 ]; ``` This will generate a stand split in 2 groups (To take care of printer bed limits): * First group with 2 first wrenches: |7,8] * Second group with 2 next wrenches: |9,10] * Third and last group with last wrench: [11] Additional parameters: * group_num: define this to render only one group (for STL rendering) * numbers_only: set this to true to get the numbers of the group (for multicolor rendering) * $fn; set this to SMOOTH before rendering for better precision.



