ANET A4 Carriage, Belt Tensioner and Tower Endcap Remixes

ANET A4 Carriage, Belt Tensioner and Tower Endcap Remixes


These are remixes specifically for the ANET A4 delta printer. All done in TinkerCad. There are four different tower configurations included: Optical Endstop, Closed Pulley, and Extended for Belt Tensioner Remix Optical Endstop, Closed Pulley, and Original Belt Tensioner Original Endstop, Closed Pulley, and Extended for Belt Tensioner Remix Original Endstop, Closed Pulley, and Original Belt Tensioner The various tower endcaps are based off a design by Nicky00 and have been designed to be printed with no additional supports needed. For use with GT2 16-toothed pulleys (but the factory split pulleys can be used too). In some of the models I've spaced the pulley out more to better align the belt to an alternate belt tensioner. I've also added a pulley offset to space the pulleys away from the walls. Both optical and standard endstop versions are included You will need to snap the built-in pulley offset support out once cooled off. If you have trouble fitting it over the 8mm rods, install all the original screws and nuts, then boil some water, drop it it for 20 seconds and press it on the rods while warm. The belt-tensioner remix uses a 30mmx4mm bolt, 2 - 4mm nuts, and a 4mm washer (one of the nuts is pushed into the thumb-wheel). It is modified from a version by Drorness but redesigned to work with an ANET A4. Install the mounting screw first (by not all the way through) then tighten the belt, then mount it to the carriage slide. The carriage remix removes the need for the little white plastic spacers for the diagonal rods while maintaining the proper 50mm spacing of the effector rods. I have included the original remix by Jinhyuk and added one redesigned for use with optical endstops. The hole for the tensioner goes on the left hand side when installing the carriage on the rods (when looking at the rods from the outside of the printer). Also remember that if you've cut your belts to fit justthe factory tensioner, that you might need to have longer belts on-hand to go the extra distance in the loops. (The factory GT2-6mm belts are pretty stiff and could use replacing anyway.) Here is the location so all the versions to be compared and redesigned if needed.



