ESP-01 IoT WiFi Button

ESP-01 IoT WiFi Button


This is a remix of the IoT Button from kaypohl and also of the CR2 Batteryholder from enif. My problem was just that i only wanted to have a http request button to control my shelly-switches so i'm completely free of any server in need to toggle them. (In case of cloudproblems or when my openhab dies). I wanted a easy to do way if i needed to re-flash it, so the ESP-01 was the best and cheapest option. Just get it out of the Case again and put it on the programmer without the battery inserted, no need to desolder anything. (OTA Flashing wasn't possible because the memory size is too low) I also wanted it as easy as possible to assemble with less welding, also didn't want to buy any Battery-springs or Stuff. You don't need anything to Glue, just put it together as i've shown it in the picture and everything holds itself inside. If you don't have a small button like me you need to cut it down a bit. :) The code just sends a http request after connecting to your wifi, the ino file is added and also commented, you just need to change your wifi credentials and the URL. An example for shelly devices is added. It needs arround 5 seconds to do the task. After the first connection it switches much faster, but only for a while because of the DeepSleep. When you press the button it reboots. If you have any questions just feel free to ask in the comments.






