Fjorg 3d Printer (HyperCube Evolution) Mostly Printed

Fjorg 3d Printer (HyperCube Evolution) Mostly Printed


Fjorg is a project to take the next step on the HyperCuber Evolution path. All parts that can, will be printed in Black PETG. This includes frame, railing, bearing assembly, and Z supports. The question. How far can we take this design and make it affordable and reproducible by someone new to 3d printing? I have seen from Youtube where builders of the Hypercube are able to get 300mm/s print speeds. Granted, not using aluminum will add its own factors to speed and height, but is PETG itself up to the challenge? Fjorg 001 will be 300x300x600 print area. W/ duel Z, quad herringbone railing for build plate support. Instead of a lead screw, the Z will be driven by 2 3d printed chains. Parts are design to be lock fit and expanded on and grown if desired, allowing a base model to have the ability to print more parts and grow its Z build area. Alot of ideas to be proven. If your interested and want to join the design efforts, reach out to us on our discord at: STL files are not going to be shared at this time as this is still in proof of concept. Interests in looking at a kit that can be easily sourced and reproduced by anyone w/ a 3d printer (Fjorg). Each Fjorg will be provided w/ its STL files so that any of its parts can be replaced or altered later. The hopes is to build a cottage industry where anyone who wishes can get involved with building their first 3d printer can do so with high confidence of success. Its friends helping friends that makes it work. I know there allot I don't know but am confident that collectively the best answer will prevail. From the years I have been involved w/ 3d Printing (2013) I have seen amazing advancements made. Designers like Creality took publicly sourced designs and was able to make a quality printer that has changed the market. How can we, as hobbiest, build a better printer, at a lower cost, designed to be changed and adapted. A 3d printer that has lock fit parts to hold a dremil to convert it into a CNC mill? What about robotics and 5 axis CNC? Why wait for an industry to provide for us what we can today we can build for ourselves? Z Rail and Carriage proof print:







3D Printers