Electric toothbrush - 3x AA batteries

Electric toothbrush - 3x AA batteries


Why buy an electric toothbrush when you can spend hours printing one? :D This toothbrush works really well and turns your regular old toothbrush into an electric, vibrating toothbrush! For those who are too lazy to move their hand back and forth but won't mind some soldering :D (Or those like me who apparently can't seem to get their teeth properly clean with a regular toothbrush). List of things needed: - A regular toothbrush - M5 bolt(to put in the tip and the toothbrush head) - 6x long M3 bolts to screw the frame together - 1x short M3 bolt to close the cap - Some springs to go in the battery pack - Some metal to make the serial connections in the battery pack - Wires to wire the motor and switch - 3x AAA batteries - An on/off switch - An off-center weight for the motor - This motor(or a motor of the same dimensions): https://www.ebay.com/itm/DC3V-12V-23000RPM-High-Speed-Carbon-Brush-Mini-280-DC-Motor-Magnetic-DIY-Toy-Car/302511996425?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 - Optional(but highly recommended!) is silicone caulk or similar to seal it up and make it waterproof Print the frame, wire the motor with an off-center weight on the shaft to a switch, then the switch and the motor to the battery pack where 3x AA batteries are serial connected for a total of 4.5v input. Then put an M5 rod in the head of a normal toothbrush and insert it in the tip. Your toothbrush will now vibrate a lot and help you with thoroughly brushing your teeth.






