Volcanic Basalt Cavern (Compatible With Meepleverse)

Volcanic Basalt Cavern (Compatible With Meepleverse)


This volcanic basalt terrain set is made to be compatible with DutchMogul's Meepleverse. If you aren't familiar with it, you can find it on Ill Gotten Games' Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/illgottengames/posts . It's amazing stuff, and it's the only terrain set I use (it and compatible bits) as I really dig minimalism in tabletop dungeons and board games. I made these in preparation for the release of my first adventure module for my RPG system entitled "Highest Skies." You can find out more about Highest Skies on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eswynn/posts I printed these using recycled PLA from https://replay-3d.com/ The red lava fountain shown in the second picture is not included in this set, it is part of DutchMogul's Meepleverse, and is included in the picture only to show how the round basalt openings can be used as lava-spurting vents. The fountain meeple clips in very snugly!



