4mm x 1/4inch bit adapter (for using 4mm bits)

4mm x 1/4inch bit adapter (for using 4mm bits)


If Thingiverse is as slow for you as it is for me, consider looking for your 3D parts at Cults 3D: https://cults3d.com/en/users/WrenchToDrive/creations Update: This has lasted for six weeks with lots of use. I'm actually really impressed. I thought for sure it would strip and/or crumble easily. I've got 2 bits that haven't lasted as long as this little beauty. I think I might make some more bit holder type tools. This is an adapter for using 4mm hex bits with a 1/4 inch tool. Stick a thin piece of plastic in the slot in the 1/4 inch end to get a snugger fit. This works wayyy better than I expected - as in not breaking stupidly easily. The bit goes in pretty nice but usually gets tight when you torque it so I almost always have to pull it out with pliers. Been using it ever day for a week and it hasn't broken so I call it a decent item. Printed in PLA with 1.2mm walls, 85% infill and 5 degrees hotter than usual for extra strength. Use at your own risk. Wrench to drive or drive to wrench?







Hand Tools