Elementary - The Game
Elementary is my first board game, it’s a mix between dominos and tic tac toe. Contents 24 Earth elements 24 Water elements 24 Wind elements 24 Fire elements 1 Aether ( the fifth element) The rules : - it's a 4 players game - each player choose one element (wind, fire, earth or water) - Start to dispose the Aether element in the center of your table - the first player put a piece of his element next to the aether, one piece by player/turn - all elements are attracted by the aether, that's mean that you have to surround the aether to start evolving further. Purpose of the game is to succeed to assemble 3 identical elements that have 2 sides in common, like a triangle. Elementary is on developpement, Your feedback would be much appreciated. The pictures below are from the cardboard prototype.