Anycubic i3 Mega 3 point bed levelling

Anycubic i3 Mega 3 point bed levelling


Inspired by the design of Gulfcoast Robotics, I made a simple three point levelling system for the i3 Mega. For now it is just an **experiment** as the part is printed. Print in PETG and don't use it with bed temperatures > 70-80c. I haven't printed with this yet, so I don't know how the petg will hold up. **Do not print this in PLA!**. It will be very easy to make this part in metal/ aluminum. I'll add a cad drawing for this later. It's just a strip with two M3 holes 209mm apart, and one M3 countersunk hole in the middle. How to use: - print the part - remove the heated bed from the y carriage; - attach the printed part to the y plate (left or right side), put some screws through the outer holes. It now only serves as a drill jig; - with a small drill (2,5mm) use the center of the part to drill a hole in the y carriage; - remove the printed part, and drill out the hole with a 3,2mm drill - remove the m3 nuts and washers from left or right side of the ultrabase bed - put an m3x30mm countersunk screw in the center hole of the printed part - now attach the printed part to the ultrabase bed using the m3 nuts and washers again - don't remove the m3 screws on the corners just in case you want to revert to 4 point levelling. - put the heated bed back on the y plate, only using 3 springs and adjustment nuts. Good luck, and let me know how it works out for you. My i3 Mega designs are in this collection:



