Scrap Metal (Lightsaber kit parts)
Version 2, which should be compatible with real Savi can be found - Some of you may know about Savi's Workshop hidden on the Planet Batuu at the Galaxy's Edge. Savi has workers who scour the Galaxy for what they call 'scrap metal' but what are actually bits and pieces of old lightsabers from the time of the Jedi. Thanks to a group of Bothans (non of which died, but one did stub his toe) designs for many of these parts have been smuggled out and are now available for you. Elemental Nature(EN) - This theme embodies the Force—an energy created by all living things, like Brylark trees from Kashyyyk, Cartusion whale bones from Mon Cala and Rancor teeth from anywhere Hutts entertain. Peace and Justice(PJ) - Salvaged scraps from fallen Jedi temples and crashed starships in these Republic-era designs honor the galaxy’s former guardians. Power and Control(PC) - Originally forged by dark side warriors, this style features rumored remnants from the Sith home world of Korriban and abandoned temples. Protection and Defense(PD) - Hilt materials bear mysterious motifs and inscriptions that reconnect users with the ancient wellspring of the Force. Savi would have you stick to one theme when constructing a lightsaber to avoid any lightside/darkside cross over, but here you are free to do any combinations you want. Savi also provides a core to all lightsabers that is not here. However, not having that core allows you to do more combinations than the default emitter - sleeve - switch - sleeve - end cap. However even just doing that setup there are over 50,000 combinations you can make. You could make a double bladed hilt by not using a end cap and combining two hilts with a coupler. Want to build emitter - switch - sleeve - sleeve - end cap.. go for it.