Flynocerous Skoll v3 30m SMA & VTX Mount/Backend- Frsky R9 and Crossfire Mounts

Flynocerous Skoll v3 30m SMA & VTX Mount/Backend- Frsky R9 and Crossfire Mounts


Here is a 30mm SMA backend with vertical and horizontal T antenna supports for the Flynocerous Skoll v3. The .stl's didn't exist for the 30mm wide version, so i decided to create my own for use with Frsky R9 Long Range system. I designed the antenna mounts with hexagonal holes because the Frsky Antennas are shaped that way, but i imagine they would work with crossfire antennas without an issue. I decided to tilt the angle of the vertical t antenna slightly backwards to compensate for the forward tilt that will happen during flight. The sheath plug goes at the base of the T antenna, into the 30mm backend where the hexagonal hole is located, and pushes through. I would suggest securing your receiver's u.fl/ipex connectors down with some hot glue or e6000 if available, as a crash can cause those connectors to snap off the rx's antenna connector. I suggest printing some skids if using the horizontal T antenna mount, as without them it will drag and probably snap a connector off your rx as well. I also included a 30mm backend without T antenna supports just in case someone wants it without them. Happy flying!







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