i3-R Extended Ramps Enclosure
UPDATE 2.18.2020: I've noticed an issue with the MOSFET mount as the holes don't line up. When I originally designed this I was going by some dimensions online, not actual measurements of my particular MOSFET. I will modify the design and reupload here soon. I will leave up the originals if people would like me too. UPDATE 1.30.2020: I've updated the model with the wire management extended up more to be more inline with the wire hole for the extruder and another model with the another wire manager to manage wire for the the steppers. If you end up printing before I do, offer some feed back an let me know if there is some better ways to manage the wiring and I'll try to change what I can. Great case design by RoMaker and worked for my needs until I upgraded my board to a RAMPS 1.6+ with TMC2130 drivers and noticed I was getting Thermal runaway from my heat bed as I believe it is drawing too much power. So I bought a MOSFET but, needed a way to mount it. I extended the case and added a MOSFET mount in the case specifically for [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HEQVQAK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) MOSFET from amazon. I've also added spot for some wire management to manage with wires somewhat. I have not printed this yet as I just finished up the remix but, I will update with pictures of the printed part when they are finished. Spacing for the MOSFET and RAMPS should be good as I used a RAMPS model to check my spacing.