Apple Watch and Wireless Charger Dock

Apple Watch and Wireless Charger Dock


Print Updated! everything fits and connects pretty well, i will have some minor adjustments that i need to make to the mounts but so far everything works! watch charger holds snug enough to hold make sure it doesn't fall out but not enough to prevent you from removing the charger in the future. the wireless charger fits well, doesn't have a snug fit but there is very little play. things to look forward too in the future - better fit for the wireless charger - cable channels to organize cables a little better - bottom cutout to hold extra cable that's about it that i have in mind. as i use it ill figure out its weaknesses and improve on those aspects. if you have any comments or ideas to make this better let me know! Apple watch and wireless charging mount. wanted something compact and figured this was the best idea to save space. this is my first 3d model ever so I'm open to criticism. this is not the final print as i will be adding storage for the cables as well as rails for the cables to run through, specifically the apple watch charger cable. Print is Two pieces with the watch charger and stem being once piece, the base where the wireless charger sits, there is a cut out in the back to guide the cables. Also for those wondering I'm using the stock apple watch charger and a Anker Power-wave Pad







3D Printing