Wireless Midi Footswitch Pad (Bluetooth/BLE)
## NOTICE: Sorry for the constant change to this model and the software. I am just trying to make sure the instructions are easy, and clear. This has led me to trying a completely different hardware setup that SHOULD make this project easier in the end. So, I have the hardware ordered, and hopefully it'll be here in a week or two, then I can re-adjust for a final design. UPDATE: I just got the new hardware (May 26, 2020). It'll take me a few weeks to get the time to re-work the software, and hardware, so check back then for the final design. Also, sorry about the thumbnails, but thingiverse doesn't seem to be handling changes to STL files very well, ## About this Project The files found on this page will enable you to build a fully functional Wireless Midi BLE Footswitch system, including expression pedal ports. I wanted to create one of these for use with my HyVibe acoustic guitar, and I found the current offerings out there a little too expensive for my taste...after a bit of thinking I thought it would be great fun to create one myself, so I decided to create what you see here. It's a great little unit, and I hope to create other "accessories" for it in the future (stay tuned). To see the footswitch in action, have a look at the following demonstration video... [![demo video](https://img.youtube.com/vi/HWy88jRTAKY/0.jpg)](https://youtu.be/HWy88jRTAKY) ...and remember, this will work with ANY Midi BLE compatible device! ## Building Your Own You can find full instructions, parts lists, and other details on the project's [githup project page](https://github.com/danny6869/midi-ble-footswitch). At first glance, it may seem overwhelming, as there are many parts that have to be strung together to make this work, it's actually a fairly simple project, and hopefully I have made the instructions easy enough to follow that just about anyone who can work a soldering iron, and a 3D printer can make one. ## Priorities 1. Finish the current instructions 100% (currently about 80% done) 2. Adjust the current 3D models to address known issues - Add "vent" near bluetooth antenna - (addresses bad reception) - Add feet. This case needs rubber feet on the bottom. ## Note from the Creator I strongly believe that things like this should be freely available on the internet, but I also believe that appreciation should be shown if you get use out of it, or find it useful. At the very least, click "like" on this project, and if you feel so inclined to make a small donation to the creator, please click the donate button below... [![Donate](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QGM9ZGJDVFDEA) ...thanks, and happy printing!!!