HOME LED 5mm ornament inscription gift

HOME LED 5mm ornament inscription gift


The word HOME is family, friendship, love. Each of us should have something that will remind him of it. I decided that I would use redundant LEDs and some filament to create such a lamp and decoration in one. I would like to share this project with you because it is important to me. If you want to make such an ornament you need for example: - 148x led 5mm - LM2596S - 2x AMS1117 3.3v - socket and plug 2,1/5,5mm - Power Supply - relay 5V - TTP223 Electric scheme and electronic components are my ideas and you can have different ones. Everything works fine for me but it doesn't guarantee that you will be okay. All LEDs in each letter are connected in parallel. 3.3V is a rather good voltage for the blue diode. The whole system consumes about 1.5A for 3.3V. LEDs light up when you touch the printout in the right place. The TTP223 capacitive sensor is hidden there. If we solder pins in it next to the letter B we get a bistable switch. Guides can be found on the internet. I also marked it on the diagram.





