Analog-Style LED Clock Frame and Numbers

Analog-Style LED Clock Frame and Numbers


<h2>What is it?</h2> The Analog Style LED Clock uses 180 LEDs to display the time, much like the hands of a traditional analog clock. The full kit and complete description can be found <a href="" target="_new">here</a>. You can buy all the electronics and assemble it yourself, or you can download the documentation and source the parts yourself, or some combination thereof. You can also buy the printed circuit board already assembled with the electronic parts. <h2>3D Printed Frame and Numbers</h2> These are the files for printing the frame and numbers on a 3D printer. Some tools are also provided to assist in assembling the clock. A set of Arabic Numerals and a set of Roman Numerals are included. The Roman numeral set contains both IIII and IV for use as the number 4 — your choice which one to use. Some people like using IIII for better symmetry with VIII on the other side of the clock. Others feel that IV is more proper. Tools include a guide to assist in placing the numbers and a lead bender for forming the leads for resistors and diodes used on the board. <h2>Instruction Manual</h2> Download the <a href="" target="_new">user's manual</a> for detailed instructions on painting (optional) and assembling the clock. Enjoy!






