RC Car Pill Box
Box thats designed to hold your pills. Tested on Team Associated B6.1 (So will work with B6, B6D, B6.1, B6.1 and the new B6.2, probably the 4WD B64/B74 too I guess) Also the Xray XB4. if the pills are the same size as these then they should also fit. The two halfs slide together, also a space for shims or whatever too. UPDATE: Updated the design slightly. Added a little bit more depth as the XB4 pills were a fraction taller, moved the shim/parts tray to come out first, incase you open it the wrong way up! also added a little lip to keep the tray shut. It's still fairly easy to open but shouldnt slide open on its own. if its a little tight, it'll free up after a few open/closes.