Ender 3  - Direct Drive (dual drive, left hand)

Ender 3 - Direct Drive (dual drive, left hand)


this is a compact direct drive mount for a left hand dual drive (cr10, ender3, https://banggood.app.link/vcjMiGuOH3) with the stepper motor (17HS4023) on the rear side. there are 2-3mm between stepper motor and frame on the outer positions of the x axis - so it fits very well. the stepper motor also passes the upper frame at the same distance - so the z height is not reduced! looking for a simple cable holder/guide? -> https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4140801 attention: the stepper motor is a little bit overtuned in the current (900mah) to get the needed torque and not loosing steps -> but with a temperature from ~65°C (normal flow) up to ~75°C (heavy retractions) in long print sessions it is within the specification. cooling the motor in a warm/hot environment could become a challange.



