Ender 3 - Control Box - CAIMEO

Ender 3 - Control Box - CAIMEO


Print the control Box like in photo, the bottom must lay on the bed. I made two different top covers. The first one with 3 Noctua 40 mm fans (You can hear the sound of them, 25 db), but i preferred to here nothing, so i bought an Arctic F8 Silent (80x80x25 mm) and redesigned the top again You will notice that some STL 3D files are different comparing to the images, this is because i made some upgrades. Printed using CURA, 0,6 mm, 0,48 layer height, Ender 3 Stock CURA profile, PLA, Tree Support (Cura experimental), better than normal supports. When you choose tree support, remove normal supports. Infill 60% I designed the bed for the motherboard in the control box without holes, this beacuse someone don't use creality board but MKS. Anyway you need only to use soldering tool and suite it for yourself. For SD card use this: https://www.amazon.it/prolunga-memoria-Schermo-Compatibile-Raspberry/dp/B07GR2HT32/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=micro+sd+to+sd&qid=1580558171&sr=8-2 If you need something, just chat with me.



