Marlin 2.0.6 build for Ender-3 and BTT mini E-3 v1.2

Marlin 2.0.6 build for Ender-3 and BTT mini E-3 v1.2


<b>Updated 2020-10-07</b> Removed older Marlin 2.0.3 firmware. Added Marlin 2.0.6 build configuration files and firmware binary. Attached .zip file with only 'Configuration.h' and 'Configuration_adv.h' to review, and a compiled binary ('firmware.bin'). <b>IMPORTANT:</b> Use the binary at your own risk! It works on my BigTreeTech SKR mini E-3 v1.2 board with (genuine) BL-Touch. I have swapped out some custom modifications that will not apply to a 'vanilla' Ender-3 / Ender-3 Pro. Read through the 'Configuration.h' and 'Configuration_adv.h' carefully and note what options are present, and what are omitted. <b>If you use this binary directly on your printer and it goes haywire it's your responsibility.</b> To build, place 'Configuration.h' and 'Configuration_adv.h' in the 'Marlin' folder in a download of the Marlin 2.0.6 firmware. <i>Note that this assumes 2.0.6, so there may be differences that cause problems if you use a different version!</i> Note that this has been set up for a BL-Touch using the Z-Axis end-stop pins (not the pProbe pins) – comment out '#define BLTOUCH' in 'Configuration.h' if not used. The probe offsets have been set to -43 x, -8 y, and -2.5 z (mm) from the nozzle. Check these offsets, particularly your z axis offset, to ensure that you don't have problems like crashing into the print bed! [The STL is a basic part from something I designed – a magazine for an obscure Airsoft rifle. Included to meet this website's requirements for an STL to be included.] <i>Deprecated text from first release follows ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----</i> <i>Customised firmware to suit an Ender 3 (Pro) with a BigTreeTech SKR mini E-3 v1.2 board and BL-Touch. I built this up from the standard Marlin repository (version 2.0.3, dated 2020-01-31) as I could not get the BigTreeTech version to compile.</i> <i>Replace the 'Marlin' folder in a download of the Marlin 2.0.x firmware. Note that I used 2.0.3, so there may be differences that cause problems if you use a different version!</i> <i>Note that this has been set up for a BL-Touch using the Z-Axis end-stop pins (not the pProbe pins) – comment out '#define BLTOUCH' in 'Configuration.h' if not used. The probe offsets have been set to -43 x, -8 y, and -2.5 z (mm) from the nozzle. Check these offsets, particularly your z axis offset, to ensure that you don't have problems like crashing into the print bed!</i> <i>Edit: found that the bed dimensions were accidentally left set to 200 x 200 mm – Doh! Fixed in new archive: "Marlin_2.0.x_custom_20200202.7z".</i> <i>Best of luck!</i>







3D Printers