Longer arm - Raspberry Pi 3 model B / B+ Spool Case/mount for Anycubic Chiron

Longer arm - Raspberry Pi 3 model B / B+ Spool Case/mount for Anycubic Chiron


# Introduction I also have a new Anycubic Chiron from 2019. The original arm, from which this remix originates from, will not fit together with the bed clamp to get the needed length. So I decided to change it. # Content I left the already fitting parts as is and included the OpenSCAD file of the longer arm for further changes, if needed. # Misc needed "Hardware" - Raspberry PI 3 model B / B+ -> https://amzn.to/37Qskg1 / https://amzn.to/31nqjW9 - Raspberry Pi Camera module -> https://amzn.to/2RWJ3sx - ~100cm ribbon cable for Raspberry Pi Camera (in link above included) - Screws M3 30, M3 20, Hammernuts etc -> https://amzn.to/31pjvqV and https://amzn.to/2uZuECY



