Slingfire Grip

Slingfire Grip


This is a grip for the nerf Slingfire. It comes in 3 parts. Each part has a left and a right half. There's the main grip itself, then a pommel, and an optional secondary grip inbetween for the off-hand. They just slot into each other with a bit of decisive action and some sanding. Basically you get to chose between one-handed and two-handed grippery. I made it like this in preparation for turning the slingfire into a nerf-gunblade. The pommel also features a slingmount, to hang something off of. Like a griever on a chain or somesuch. :V In addition to printing the parts themselves you will need a few 3,0x30mm screws with pointy tips. Not sure what those are called. Chipboard screws? Either way, you need seven (7) if you go one-handed, or ten (10) if you go two-handed, plus one (1) 3,0x20mm screw for the pommel. Same style.



