Box with Sliding Lid

Box with Sliding Lid


I wanted a box with a lid for my dad to use as a gift box. He's going to use it for a gift he made for my brother Brandon. The included stl file has a blank lid without any text. There are a lot of really good boxes here but none of them were what I was looking for. I added the letter B to the lid, since it's for my brother. I have included the .blend file so anyone can customize the box to their liking, i.e. make it bigger, wider, taller, etc. Also if you wanted to add your own text or designs to this thing you can. This is fairly simple to do in Blender. If anyone needs help with this feel free to reach out to me and I'll help out the best I can. For some reason Slic3r PE and PrusaSlicer are terrible at slicing support material. They add way more material than needed and most of the time it sticks to the bed so badly I fight with removing it. For this reason I usually avoid support material if possible or slice with Simplify3D instead. *See the printing instructions below. I create a pause in the print at the layer just before the support normally ends (color/filament change), right before it starts to print the top ledge in the groove for the lid. If you print the lid with or before the box, you can remove the lid and add a little glue stick to the edge where the box will print on top of and stick the lid as if it were support material. The glue stick helps prevent to prints from sticking to each other. I recommend a water soluble/washable glue stick because it's easy to remove afterwards with a damp sponge or paper towel.






