Retractometer Cr-10s Pro

Retractometer Cr-10s Pro


This is a visualizer for retract but also for flow of Filament - by the way it cleans and guides the filament. It was build to find out if the retract setting from the slicer was correct in reality. I like to get a feeling of whats going on while printing - now i can see the retract very good. ...if you turn the pointer a bit to the right you will see the flow. If the waving cat effect disturbs you - you can lock the Pointer horizontal - it will still guide and clean the filament. you will need one M4 screw as axis for the pointer and a little peace of a sponge - cut the sponge half but not all the way leave about 5mm uncutted, the little clips can slide to set your retract marks. its a work in progress - a lot of room to make it better...enjoy



