eTape16 Holder

eTape16 Holder


As always I will promote and REWARD the first people to post quality makes (must enable tips on your profile for reward). A quality make is a successful, complete, hopefully decent looking print at 100% scale. Pictures don't need to show it with eTape or mounted but bonus points if it is. This wall mount is designed to hold eTape16 available at: * * * Please note you will need to remove belt clip from eTape to fit it in mount. * I have provided a model of the eTape so if you want you can design your own mounts. When I just did small items with 3d printing the Calipers were always my go to tool for getting reference measurements but when I started playing with CNC and Laser cutting and modeling things that needed to fit with larger objects I realized the hassle of using a tape measure then having to convert it to mm. Even with a metric ruler it was easy to be a little off (counting little hash marks is a pain). This simple eTape with a metric digital readout has been a real time saver and prevented a lot of little mistakes or conversion errors I likely would have made otherwise. Only downside is that anything I set down in my crowded shop I am bound to loose so I made this simple wall mount to keep It where I could find it. I hope this is helpful to others with this tool. Happy Printing!



