Unit carrier and trays for Legion
Modular tray carrier sized for Star Wars Legion. Trooper units fit snugly in the trays, larger bases have a little play. The carrier can be assembled friction fit but you will probably want to glue it just for safety. The set is designed for a "skirmish" list of 500 points, but it won't quite fit some lists (anything with double "medium" base [70mm] is a challenge.) Included are tray designs for 8x infantry, 5x infantry with 50mm support (think Shoretroopers or Veterans), 2x 50mm, 1x 70mm and 1x 70mm with two infantry. Large base designs are provided with or without notches. Note that the files are included without faction logos as I am not happy with the print results. We are selling prints of these on our [Etsy page](cccraftbungalow.etsy.com) - this is the only authorized shop to produce prints of these items. I may design a carrier for more units (3x2), stay tuned for updates on that.