Shelf Spool hanger

Shelf Spool hanger


Update 6.2.2020: -Added a printable "Spool Roller" for filament spools, that can be used with 6700zz bearings. Will work without bearings aswell :) -Also added a "Hanger Locking Block" to set a fixed distance of 13.5mm between the hangers, that can be locked with wood screws or M5 bolt. 04.02.2020: Needed a shelf hanger for filement spools, so I made my own. Should fit shelf from 14-43mm with use of the different spacers included. -Print the holders and choose the spacer you need for your shelf! :) Hardware needed: *10mm axle that fits the design of the hangers. I bought a length "bathroom" 10mm zinc plated copper pipe, and used it as an axle, and cut it to 18.5cm. *optional: 2x 6700zz bearings if you want a roller with bearings. Note: Be careful when assembling bearings on the axle/ bearing housing. Use proper tools for this, as the bearings are small and will seize if not assembled correct 2x M5 bolt or 2x 4mm wood screws for "locking block". -Print 2 "bolts" and "spacers". Bolts and spacers should not need any further scaling, as these has been designed to a loose fit. -Print 2 "end stoppers", and force them on the axle ends, to prevent the spool from falling off. (very unlikely to happen, but its a quick print for an ease of mind) -Recommend printing the "locking block", for securing the hangers to a fixed position of 13.5mm, even if i have used mine, without any problem.



