Improved sally loincloth 8-pack
Unsatisfied with my earlier set of loincloths, I got drunk and set to work. This is the product of my labor. These are flippable, resizeable, to cover loins or do whatever you want with. should work wonderfully for salamanders but also for any other chapters that feature scaled greebly things. I am working on scaled drapes for shoulder pads next so watch out for those. I've printed a couple and the detail is very nice at 0.08 layer height on a stock nozzle, with clearly printed scales and hammers. Print vertically with a small raft (3-5mm is great) for added stability. Printing horizontally works too but scales will be rounder/messier. Note: can't speak for you resin bois but for FDM printers the smaller studs WILL NOT PRINT. Thus, I hastily added the three larger studs that do.