Perfect linear bearing 8mm vase / spiral mode

Perfect linear bearing 8mm vase / spiral mode


I've tried printing several bearings, but always hit a block caused by the quality of my printer extrusion (sliced with cura). Any imperfections would cause the bearings to stick on the rod, and just jam in place. These are different. Using the spiral or vase mode, which prevents any retracts, and flow changes, the print comes out perfect. This is my own design. The file is for a 24mm bearing, and to make it the long one, like I did, simply scale the Z axis by 195%. I believe that to use vase mode, you need to print one at a time, but the long ones take 22 minutes at 60mm/s, and the small ones only about 12 minutes. Use no top or bottom layers, and a skirt to purge the material. Use a little oil or grease on the rods, and you're good to go. They fit into the regular holders, and have no play in them, unlike the original IGUS / Ruthex I'd purchased.



