SCAF - Space Chad Action Figure

SCAF - Space Chad Action Figure


Huge thanks to the originators of the files i remixed from! With the 14 points of articulation and standing 17cm tall he is 400% as Chad as an official ChadScale Marine. This is the action figure i wish i had when i was a kid :) Test printed to go together well with parts off my printer which is a noname china i3 kit i built a couple of years back and not super well calibrated. Its a good idea to test print just the ball and socket to check the fit, the sizing can be adjusted pretty easily with windows 3d builder in the .3mf file ive included. If any joints still come out tight you can heat the socket a little to make it flexible enough to pop in, if they are loose you can add a bit of superglue to the joint, pop together and move the joint non stop until the glue has set as a coating inside the socket and on the ball. Head, hands and backpack joints made to pop off easy for accessorizing. Was intending to figure out some sorta hinge for the shoulder pads but in the end i just glued them to the upper arms, you could join those before printing if you like. There are probably better materials than PLA to use for something like this but its what i have so its what i used. Designing empty hands, printing those in a flexible filament and standardizing the grips of different weapons would make for a better toy. Im supplying the .3mf file so remixing will be easy and you will be able to test print just a ball+socket and easily adjust the fit of the joints. The arm/leg parts supplied are all for the right side, mirror to get the left.







Toys & Games