Dungeon Stone 1" Wall with spinning blade trap

Dungeon Stone 1" Wall with spinning blade trap


Remix of a 1" dungeon stone wall to add four horizontal spinning blades. If you want to have any chance of the blades rotating you need to print the wall part, blades, and locking pins separately at at least 0.1mm resolution with a 0.4mm nozzle. Even if you don't want them to move the result are better if you print separate and glue them together, Once you have the parts you can then slide the blades in and drop the locking pin through the center with a dab of superglue. If your printer wasn't quite up to it then it might be easier to simply superglue the blades in place. It will look great even if the blades don't spin. P.S. If you think the blade looks a lot like a circular saw blade that because it is (thanks to jasondelane for part).



