FILLER mINI MOD + Ender 5 Plus Filler Filament Holder

FILLER mINI MOD + Ender 5 Plus Filler Filament Holder


mINI mod for the whole thing so it could fit Ender 5 plus. Also made a new Creality Bolt holder to fit the horizontal bracket **EDIT I ADDED A ROLLER WITH A LIP PER A REQUEST FROM A USER I Include a stl to do a single Print everything is in an order so the support brim is all connected for more support for the roller. Update02 I Went Ahead and addthe wall mount and the stand to the mINImod ****The first upload was bugged for some reason it's now fixed If you wanna use real bearings instead of plastic use 608zz skate bearings For The Roller Support with cross and 30%fill Brim with 20 lines bed temp 70 20% fill on the roller 1.2mm walls .15 layer speed 50mm/s I also put a tweak at Z and slow the speed to 50% at layer 560 not necessary but my nipple kept coming out weird everything else is the same except the infill should be set to 40-70% I use 50%







3D Printing