Pen Press Set

Pen Press Set


Disclaimer - Use of this item will put the pieces under pressure. I can't guarantee the safety of the item, that's down to you. If you make one, use the appropriate protection and only use it if you feel it is safe. I've made it for my use only, the files are here for educational purposes. Because I'm too cheap to buy a proper pen press, but got sick of trying to use the jaws of my Workmate to make pens, I sat and designed this pen press. I bought a toggle clamp off ebay for less than £6 ("Pull Push Action Toggle Clamp 500 lbs/227kg Holding Capacity 32mm Stroke"), made a handle for it, had some wood handy for the base and a 10mm bamboo knitting needle I had hanging around from the £1 shop. I've popped the STL's on as a full set and separate pieces as I needed a few spare spacers. Printed with quite dense settings, plenty of walls and infill - I used PLA+ and haven't been able to break it yet. If you do decide to take your life into your hands and take the time to download and print it, then please also take the time to post pictures of yours!







Hand Tools