MMPR Dragonzord Tail
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1993 Dragonzord Tail replacement. I managed to get an original in hand and was able to model this using Tinkercad. I did not separate the tail tip and don't see any reason too. I also kept the tail tip sharp as opposed to blunting it as is present with the original toy version. This model is NOT to be sold and is free to print for yourself or friends who may need a replacement. The second I find one of these available for sale anywhere I'll pull the design and we will all suffer so please, be decent, don't scalp people and let's help restore some childhood favorites! I printed this on a CR-10s, 60mm/s with a raft. I printed it vertically and generated automatic supports. I added extra supports on overhangs which weren't identified by S3D. If you print this and like it please post a make, I'd like to see this help complete some broken toys!