RunCam Nano 3 + Nano VTX Canopy

RunCam Nano 3 + Nano VTX Canopy


**About the design** This is the current iteration of a [RunCam Nano 3]( mount for Whoops and Toothpicks. It's still work in progress and I'm working on a few ideas to make the camera angle adjustable. The whole thing is stiffer than it looks printed out of TPU. Stiff enough for a whoop in any case and I hope it will work well on light toothpicks since the RunCam Nano basically weighs nothing at all and has a pretty impressive video quality. **How it works** The [RunCam Nano 3]( lens is simply stuffed through the little hole and the VTX mounted with double sided tape. Any small VTX like for example the [Eachine Nano]( or [TBS Unify Pro 32 Nano]( will work .The VTX antenna can be secure with an additional zip tie. **Nano VTX options that will fit** - [TBS Unify Pro 32 Nano]( : 400mW very reliable TBS quality but a bit expensive - [Eachine Nano]( : Really does 400mW and never had a single one fail. However there seemed to be a certain percentage that arrives with SmartAudio not working" - [Rush Tiny Tank Mini]( : 350 mW spec. VTX that I couldn't test yet but I never had any issue with any Rush VTX







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