Tarp holder for rain gutter of a car
<b>I would be very happy about a [Tip](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=33A3BXW43NW42 "Tip"). <a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=33A3BXW43NW42"><img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" alt="PayPal" /></a> <a href="https://www.amazon.de/ref=pe_undef?ie=UTF8&link_code=hom&tag=sciencefeles-21"><img src="https://science-feles.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Amazon.png" alt="Amazon" /></a> <b>Visit my website for more information: [www.science-feles.de](https://science-feles.de/2021/04/08/tarp-holder-for-rain-gutter-of-a-car/ "www.science-feles.de"). This is a bracket for attaching a tarp or awning to the rain gutter of a car or camper van. The holder consists of two parts. A strip which is placed in the gutter and a C-shaped counterpart which presses the strip tight. The strip is placed in the gutter with the rounded side down. On the underside, an M5 nut is pressed into the recess provided. On the top side, two washers with a maximum diameter of 6.5 mm are inserted for reinforcement. Two M5 nuts are also pressed into the inside of the C-shaped counterpart. Once the strip has been completed and inserted into the gutter, the C-shaped counterpart with the three openings facing upwards is fitted. With the two outer screws (2x M5x18) the strip is pressed into the rain gutter. The bracket can no longer slip. For additional hold a strip of double-sided adhesive tape can be put underneath. Place an M5 nut and a washer on the central screw (M5x45, hex). Then tighten the screw until the stop. This creates a counter force to the two outer screws. Then tighten the nut on the central screw. The central screw is now connected to the bracket at two points. Now you can attach a tarp or awning to this holder. <b>Material list for a bracket:</b> 3D printing: > 1x strip for rain gutter > 1x C-shaped counterpart > Please make sure to print the C-shaped counterpart upright. This increases the stability, because the individual printing layers are perpendicular to the later mechanical load. > Do not forget that the filament must be UV-resistant Screws: > 2x M5 x 18 mm > 1x M5 x 45 mm (even longer screws are possible) > 2x washer, M3 > 1x washer, M5 > 3x nut, M5 <b>M5 x 40 mm pin hub</b> https://www.amazon.de/Madenschrauben-Gewindestifte-DIN-913-br%C3%BCniert/dp/B096QN58G1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=m5x40+madenschraube&qid=1632297353&qsid=259-7232698-9764829&sr=8-5&sres=B096QN58G1,B077XRMBRR,B077XRP2HB,B07TJJT5PB,B082J64P14,B07TX9ST4X,B08F4FRB37,B07NYQDYF1,B094JHNV33,B08RNHQ4GK,B08LVXDRNZ,B094JHG3RJ,B08VN2WPRZ,B08JSNDQ4M,B07JD99DQB,B07ZCXP1FK,B092VSN54J,B085BYP5W9,B08TRBT36S,B07PK939S7&srpt=SCREWS&linkCode=sl1&tag=sciencefeles-21&linkId=6d603bd80e78f74540421e46021ff6f2&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl <b>ERYONE PETG, black</b> https://www.amazon.de/Filament-Schwarz-ERYONE-3D-Drucker-3D-Stift/dp/B07XRK9K7Q?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=25XY1BB3IIY3G&dchild=1&keywords=petg%2Beryone%2Bschwarz&qid=1619684319&sprefix=petg%2Ber%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-5&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=sciencefeles-21&linkId=84e880f199eff7e064e40bdba7359b0e&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl <b> >> Update 2021-08-20 </b> I have since replaced the M5 x 45 hex bolt with an M5 x 40 pin hub. Thus, the tarp can also be attached directly to me small eyelets and is thus closer to the roof. To prevent the eyelets from slipping out, they are fixed with an M5 knurled nut. Both have proven very well and has already been through many storms. <b>Check out my other designs for [expedition vehicles and camper vans](https://www.thingiverse.com/zefram_cochrane/collections/cochranes-expedition-vehicle "expedition vehicles and camper vans"). <b>Visit my website for more information: [www.science-feles.de](https://science-feles.de/designs/ "www.science-feles.de"). <a href="https://science-feles.de/designs/"><img src="https://science-feles.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/sf-meme.jpg" alt="PayPal" width="300" align="center" /></a> > --------------------------------------------------------- > Ceterum censeo martem esse abeundum. > ---------------------------------------------------------