Flexi-Rex Valentine
This is a remix of DrLex's Flexi Rex (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2738211) which remixes Kirbs' Flexi Rex (Thingiverse thing:1759297), based on airfish's remix (Thingiverse thing:2189652). That model in turn was most likely inspired by the ‘Flexy Rex’ by zheng3 (Thingiverse thing:929413). "Note to anyone wanting to sell this: this model is released under a Creative Commons - Attribution - Share Alike license. The details can be found on the CC website but in a nutshell it means you are pretty much free to do anything with it including selling prints if you comply with the following conditions: ‘Attribution’ means you must always provide a visible reference to the origin of the model both on the webpage where you sell the model, and inside the packaging of the actual physical product. A link to this page or even just “Thingiverse thing:2738211” suffices. You should also, and perhaps in the first place, refer to the original model from Kirbs (thing:1759297). A ready-to-print attribution card is included with the downloadable files for this model in PDF format. I don't care how the attribution message is formatted as long as there is no possibility that anyone could believe you are the author of the model because you are selling it. This is a very easy requirement that doesn't incur any extra cost except a minute of your time. You do not need to share any profits¹. If you skip this tiny simple effort and catch enough attention, it might end up costing much more than you gained from it. ‘Share Alike’ means that if you make modifications to the 3D model and sell or give away prints based on that modified model, you must publish this modified 3D model. Easiest is to click the ‘Remix it’ button at the top of this page to publish your modified model on Thingiverse. Make sure to set the license to Share Alike (or something more restrictive, but not less). Again, this costs you nothing except a few minutes of your time." -DrLex