Dillon & Hornady case feeder plates

Dillon & Hornady case feeder plates


This are plates for Dillon/Hornady (and presumably, Mark 7) case feeder, intended for small and big pistol and calibers like .38 ACP, 9 mm Luger (small), .45 ACP, 10 mm (big), .223 (small rifle) or .308 etc. For .300 BLK please use small pistol plate with a big washer underneath, like Dillon suggests. ## **Print it and use center plate clutch from regular Dillon casefeeder plate.** Some small dremel work might be required to fit the carrier into the center hole. This model absolutely REQUIRES BIG FORMAT 3D printer as it's about 292 mm (11.5") in diameter. I strongly suggest to print it with PETG material, no fans for biggest structural robustness and strong layer adhesion. ____ *Revision 2.0* Added source file in OpenSCAD. I also added simplified supports for center part that elevates above buildplate. For those who forget to turn on supports :) Please check you have Thin walls detection turned on in your slicer (should be by default) *Revision 1.0* Added small rifle and big rifle plates. These are not tested (as I have original small rifle), so please, provide info in the **Makes** section on how it works and what might be improved (sorry for wasted time and filament if it doesn't work 100 %). Small and large pistol plates works great.






