SQ8 Camera Body mount
I needed a video recording of a transaction i had to do so decided to design the following to use with the SQ8 Camera. SQ8 starts recording as soon as it's pluged into USB and then this setup works like a body cam. I'm using it with a very inexpensive relatively small battery pack that can be bought from dollar store, it lasts for several ours of recording. For the magnets I used these from Ali, 10mm x 5mm Neodymium (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32844846480.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4duurhUe) they are very strong and you have to slide the back clip to separate it up. they just press fit into the holes with pliers. This mount will hold on any cloth even relatively thick winter coat. V1.2 expands the base to provide additiona horizontal stability when hooked up to a shirt or jacket.