Ender 3 Linear Rail X-endstop bracket

Ender 3 Linear Rail X-endstop bracket


I didnt have any M3x50 used in the original files with the spacer and they are not very common un 50mm. So, I designed a new bracket, holding the limit switch / end stop and covers the belt drive. I might be doing a cover for the rest too, but imho it isnt needed for more than looks. The limit switch PCB is fastened using 2x M3x10 and 2x M3 nuts The bracket re-uses the stock countersunk M3x40 from the stock setup. I printed mine in ABS using my Zortrax M200 (because other parts are printed in the same color). It sould hold up fine in PLA too. I also included a picture of the print orientation which allows to print without support. This orientation is not default as I modeled it on an Ender 3 as it sits in the printer. It will also fit an Ender 3 Pro (I have that)



